Unify in music, mobilize in mission.

Join us for a weekend of music and mission as we become love to the city of Syracuse August 2nd-4th.

  • Worship with us Friday, August 2nd @ 6PM at Brown Memorial UMC, 228 Davis Street, Syracuse.  We’ll sing praises with one voice and watch darkness flee!  We’ll be led by skilled worship leaders in a time of worship, prayer and commissioning of next day volunteers.
  • The very next day, August 3rd, pick one or more service opportunities from several different missions projects across the city of Syracuse (listed below).  Just show-up and look-up!  
  • At 4PM on Sunday be with us for an outdoor worship event at Brown UMC.  Outdoor worship in the city with skilled worship leaders is something to not miss.


Celebrate New Beginnings at The Rescue Mission

Summer is a great season to celebrate new beginnings.  This will be a day of live music, food, activities and encouragement for clients of The Rescue Mission.  Weather permitting, this will be entirely outdoors.  Help serve food, lead an activity or just be an encouraging presence.  Help us celebrate new beginnings!  

Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm

Location: The Rescue Mission Alliance – 155 Gifford St. Syracuse, NY 13202

Hand-to-Hand Ministry

The Hand-to-Hand Missions sets up on the North and South sides of Syracuse.  These missions are a “pop-up” market format where we offer seasonal clothing, health and wellness products, cleaning supplies along with conversation and prayer.  It’s a great time to get connected with an urban community and make sure our neighbors are seen and heard.  When you sig up, indicate a location where you prefer to serve or we’ll be happy to assign you where needed.

Locations and Times:

  • The Connected Church (107 E. Beard St. Syracuse), 10am-1pm
  • Casa de Paz (907 Butternut St. Syracuse); 10am-1pm

Prayer Walk and Community Contact

As a group, pray for the west side of Syracuse while walking areas in need of hope.  Talk and pray with neighbors.  We’ll have printed materials of available resources and services, along with information on upcoming community events.

Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm

Location: Brown Memorial UMC, 225 Davis Street, Syracuse